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Miracles Do Happen-Daily.

March 31, 2009


I’ve spent too long away from home
Did all the things I could have done
Gone are the days of endless thrills
I know I’m not the only one.

ch. So long, I’m goin’, I’m goin’ Home

I saw the streets all ripe with jewels
Balconies and the laundry lines
They tried to make me welcome there
But their streets did not feel like mine

ch. So long, I’m goin’ , I’m goin’ Home

I want the sun to hit my face
Through oak trees in the open lot
Forget about the things you want
Be thankful for what you got

ch. So long, I’m goin’, I’m goin’ Home

© 2009 Words and music by: Dan Auerbach

I put the words up to the video I put in because it is from a live recording and I do not know if you can understand the words or not. This video does not do Mr. Auerbach ( from the Black Keys) justice. The picture that I put up is of Ping-Shulin he is the ‘miracle man of China’. With my back, my addiction, and the mentality I lost from my past doings, I always sit and watch these ‘miracle’ stories of people that have had tragic accidents or diseases and bounce right back up.

These people are usually tons worse off then I am, and I wonder why am I not blessed with a miracle? I still suffer from depression. The better days that I have is just dealing with a constant back pain. But the last few days I have suffered from both. I feel like I cannot go one more step at times. My withdrawals hit me every so often which adds to the depression. I try to hide it from Nee-Nee and  make it out like it is my depression. It could be. I am having difficulties with telling the difference anymore.

I am working with three different people from my past, I will call them A, B, and C. A has alcoholic tendencies, I am not the one to say if he is or not, I have not hung around him enough to say. B is an ex druggie that I have known for more then twenty years who has moved into the apartments here. C is my friend that is experiencing heart problems. He has never done drugs, smoked and does not drink enough to hurt a mouse. He had a heart virus which is very rare.

I will start with A, I try to keep in contact with him as often as I can. He is a dear friend of mine and I have known him since 1974 when we were both going into the fourth grade. I love him dearly and really enjoy our visits. He is about the only one that I have opened up to about everything, even things that I have not put on here. That is all about him right now, because our talks are on going and I respect him enough not to indulge anything about him, because some know whom I am talking about. The last I will say is he helps me probably more then I have helped him in certain areas.

On to B. I feel for B. Our friendship never went any further than getting high when we could. I never had a personal relationship with him until recently. He and his family have recently gone through tough times financially, which seeps into marital problems. I asked our Church family to help out with his rent. Dusty, my dear friend and teacher, suggested that I do not talk him into going to church because of the help. But just talk to him. I am a Deacon over video, and I suggested that he helps me with this, he likes that kind of stuff and I think that he will. He came up to me one time and said that he has been trying to do good and leave the old life behind, but he feels like going back to the con. I told him to not do this. He would be more upset with his life and it would come between him and his family. Just wait it out. He recently got a job at a fast food joint. This is not what he is trained to do or used to, but he took it with a smile on his face.

Now C. He came over this last Sunday. This was the first weekend for him to go back to work at a soda company, but he looked good. I told him about this post on miracles that Noreen reads, he just looked down. I know that it gave him something to think about because of the way he acted. C and I used to work out all the time, I have known him for going on 26 years. While weights were a big part of my life, and I have to accept that I am in a hole right now with it, I can see a light of possibility for the future in working out. I also have God. C does not have that luxury, the Doc told him it is possible that he will do nothing but walk as a workout from now on. Working out is his life. He has been doing it as long as I have. I started when I was 10 or 11, he is 3 years older then I am but he was probably in his early teens. We did not know each other at this time, but I know it was a constant with him.

I was watching the Today Show and they had this guy that has Lou Gherigs (?) disease. He was an athlete, and is now confined to a wheel chair. Speaking by computer and his eye movements. Now this is a man whose living relied on his athleticism, and now his muscles will not work at all. His brain is as sharp as it has ever been, but he is trapped in his own body. He is moving forward with his life and has set up a charity fund for L.G., muscular dystrophy.

All of these people that I have talked about, including me, would like to see a miracle in their life. We would love to travel down the yellow brick road, find the wizard and have him grant us: a comfortable life; a better job to support a family; a heart; a new body; a new start. But we have traveled down that road for years and we just keep running into the yellow brick wall. It gets so tiring after awhile. Hitting that wall so hard that it throws us back on to the yellow brick, just for us to get back up and damn, if we did not run into it again.

I have always wondered about miracles. We use the word so lightly sometimes that we miss what the true miracle is. Nee-Nee had me come downstairs to read the post on miracles, and it really put things in perspective for me. Miracles are not always what we want. We might think that a person on their death bed that makes an unexpected recovery is a miracle. That is dangerous don’t you think? If you see this as a miracle and then your loved one dies from a complication during a routine procedure, this might upset someone  and make them question, “Why them?”

A miracle is what God does for us. IT is GOD. If your loved one dies, it is a miracle that you had the opportunity to know them. A miracle is the journey that God puts you on, rather you think that it is good or bad and cannot see the outcome. It is a miracle that God loves you enough to put you on that journey. It is a miracle that Jesus came down to take on our sins as a person, nailed to the cross, and rose again. He did this not for one person, or a specific social group, but for all of us. It is a miracle that we are offered the gift of giving, no matter what we have done to our bodies and/or minds we are still capable of making a change for others because of the miracle named God, Hosanna, Jehovah, several names but a total miracle.

I ask that you check out this website. It is amazing. This lady has gone through so much in her life, still is. Yet she takes God’s hand and relies on His miraculous love. Even if it does not turn out the way she would like to see, she knows that He is working. The address is:  As I said in my last post, I am not a big fan of Tweeting, but I can almost guarantee that you will get hooked on her site, and will want to follow her Tweets.

Have a good day, evening, late night, early morning, etc. And I hope that daily you enjoy the miracle of Christ.


2 Comments leave one →
  1. April 1, 2009 1:53 pm

    Hello friend, your story is one that grips my heart. The depression, the drugs, the booze, all of this grips my heart because I, too, know what it is like. My name is Michie DeBerry, and I am 19 years old. I was once in the throngs of a deep heroin addiction, and I thought that life would never recover. I heard about a program called Reformers Unanimous, a faith based addictions program, that focuses, not on the addiction, but rather on your spiritual walk with God. Your daily walk with God. How is your walk with God? Feel free to email me, and talk the scripture with me.
    God bless,
    Michie D.

  2. April 2, 2009 10:10 am

    Thank you Michie, I am looking forward to e-mailing you. Hoping to converse, share and begin a new friendship with you.

    My walk with God is stronger now then ever. I always thought that I had the answers while I defended my stance to escape in whatever was around. Quoting scriptures without the guidance of my Father. I came to realize that I was walking around in mire, and not walking in the footsteps of my saviour. I find that I fall one way or other everyday, but I no longer keep my head down but knowing that I am human, but I am striving daily to do better. I want to use but I have learned to accept that as part of my journey and God makes me stronger everyday. I believe once an addict always an addict, and I am okay with that. It strengthens me more then others realize. I do not like when people tell me that is the wrong way to look at it, every walk is different and looking at it this way helps me in my personal walk with Him.

    Again it was good hearing from you and expect an e-mail soon. Our computer’s hard drive is down and I have to hop on any computer I can get my grubby little paws on, so hopefully it will be fixed next week. So if you do not hear from me it is not me ignoring you, just me waiting on the next unexpecting computer.


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